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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

AMR presentation to Institute of Physics

Published: 18 September 2018
Professor Tim Leighton

On 18 Sept 2018 Professor Leighton gave a lecture on NAMRIP’s work to a meeting of the Institute of Physics. The talk, entitled ‘Climate Change, Dolphins and Antimicrobial Resistance - The Impact of Bubble Acoustics’ was hosted by the Institute of Physics South West Branch and held at Sarum College, 19 The Close, Salisbury.

Sarum College, Salsibury
Sarum College, Salisbury

The talk was well received by the audience, who afterwards probed extensively on the issues around multidisciplinary teams that Prof Leighton had touched on, and which are so key to NAMRIP. They were particularly interested in how these teams address problems, the challenges associated with hiring across disciplines, and the personal qualities looked for when recruiting into a multidisciplinary team.

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