Largest worldwide evaluation of FebriDx to rapidly test for COVID-19

As part of a team led by Dr Tristan Clarke , Global-NAMRIP member Dr Stephen Poole took part in evaluating a point-of-care test developed by FebriDx for COVID-19 at University Hospital Southampton.
Produced by a company in the USA, the product was originally designed to differentiate between bacterial and viral infections by measuring two proteins. It is a cheap capillary blood test carried out using a finger prick, with results available in 10 minutes. The team found it had a sensitivity of 93% for COVID-19 so used it to help triage patients when the virus was circulating extensively.

The findings of the evaluation are available in the following article published in the Journal of Infection:
T.W. Clark, N.J. Brendish and S. Poole et al., Diagnostic accuracy of the FebriDx host response point-of-care test in patients hospitalised with suspected COVID-19 , Journal of Infection
Team members
Tristan W. Clark a,b,c,d , Nathan J Brendish a,b , Stephen Poole a,b,c , Vasanth V. Naidu b , Christopher Mansbridge b , Nicholas Norton b , Helen Wheeler c , Laura Presland c , Sean Ewings e
a School of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton
b Department of Infection, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
c NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
d NIHR Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme, UK
e Southampton Clinical Trials Unit, University of Southampton