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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

Largest worldwide evaluation of FebriDx to rapidly test for COVID-19

Published: 19 October 2020
FebrixDx test

As part of a team led by Dr Tristan Clarke , Global-NAMRIP member Dr Stephen Poole took part in evaluating a point-of-care test developed by FebriDx for COVID-19 at University Hospital Southampton.

Produced by a company in the USA, the product was originally designed to differentiate between bacterial and viral infections by measuring two proteins. It is a cheap capillary blood test carried out using a finger prick, with results available in 10 minutes. The team found it had a sensitivity of 93% for COVID-19 so used it to help triage patients when the virus was circulating extensively.

FebriDx test
FebriDx test

The findings of the evaluation are available in the following article published in the Journal of Infection:

T.W. Clark, N.J. Brendish and S. Poole et al., Diagnostic accuracy of the FebriDx host response point-of-care test in patients hospitalised with suspected COVID-19 , Journal of Infection

Team members

Tristan W. Clark a,b,c,d , Nathan J Brendish a,b , Stephen Poole a,b,c , Vasanth V. Naidu b , Christopher Mansbridge b , Nicholas Norton b , Helen Wheeler c , Laura Presland c , Sean Ewings e

a School of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton

b Department of Infection, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

c NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

d NIHR Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme, UK

e Southampton Clinical Trials Unit, University of Southampton

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