'Bridging the Gap' Workshop - Theme 2 Event

- Time:
- 12:30 - 14:00
- Date:
- 25 November 2015
- Venue:
- Building 27, Room 2003, University of Southampton Highfield Campus University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Yvonne Richardson on 02380 594943 or email yr1@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
Professor Robert Eason will lead this lunchtime workshop to facilitate collaboration between NAMPRIP members around the AMR theme 'Accelerating therapeutic & diagnostics development'.
This workshop is open to all PhD students, Early Career Researchers, Academics and Clinicians within the NAMRIP network. It will provide an opportunity for members to share expertise, plans and ideas for working together on Theme 2 topics which include Decontamination; Sensors; Smart surfaces and dressing to prevent infection; Urinary infections and Wound care.
Members of the Theme 2 group have developed cost effective laser-based paper fluidics diagnostic technology which enables early detection of a range of biomarkers related to communicable and non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, cholesterol, STIs and HIV.
12:30 - Lunch and networking
13:15 - Speed dating presentations - 5 -10 minutes and 4-5 slides to pitch your research
Peter Glynne-Jones 'Acoustofluidics for accelerating diagnostics'
Rob Eason 'An overview of our group's Theme 2 research'
Questions and discussion
13:45 - 14:00 - Networking and coffee
Speaker information
Professor Robert Eason,Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering