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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

AMR Theme 1 Workshop - Understanding resistant bacteria in context of host Event

Bacteria and early biofilm
13:00 - 14:30
15 November 2016
LF8 Meeting Room, Level F, South Academic Block, University Hospital Southampton, Tremona Road, Southampton, SO16 6YD.

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Yvonne Richardson on 02380 594943 or email .

Event details

Led by Professor Rob Read, this is the third in a series of workshops focussed around Theme 1 - 'Understanding resistant bacteria in context of host'.

The workshop is open to all PhD students, Early Career Researchers, Academics and Clinicians within the NAMRIP network. It is an opportunity for members to hear about the research currently underway within Theme 1 topics which includes Biofilms and Nutrition. There is plenty of time to discuss plans and ideas for working together and the chance to network with fellow NAMRIP members from across the University over a free buffet lunch.

The first Theme 1 workshop was held in November 2015 and included talks from Professor Robert Read, Dr Xunli Zhang, Dr Sandra Wilks, Dr Jacqui Prieto and Mr Rami Salib. At the second workshop in April this year, Professor Robert Read, Dr Jay Laver and Dr Ray Allan all gave project updates as well as an update from the chair of NAMRIP Professor Tim Leighton.

Draft Programme

  • Dr Jay Laver, Research Fellow, Clinical and Experimental Sciences: 'Biosafety considerations for human challenge with genetically modified N. lactamica'
  • Professor Paul Elkington, Professor of Respiratory Medicine: 'Studying multidrug resistant tuberculosis in the context of the host'
  • Dr Samuel Collins, Clinical Research Fellow in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: 'Respiratory epithelial responses to Haemophilus biofilms'

Please email Yvonne Richardson ( if you would like to be added to the programme to give a talk on your current research or plans/ideas for a future project within Theme 1.

Please remember to book onto the workshop - this helps us guage the catering.

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