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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

Food retailers, supply chains and the anti-microbial resistance challenge Event

09:30 - 16:30
25 November 2016
The Food Standards Agency, London, WC2B 6NH

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Dr Mary Houston on 02380 599222 or email .

Event details

A joint workshop organised by the Universities of Southampton and Newcastle and the Food Standards Agency


09:30 – 10:00 Arrival (Coffee/Tea available)

10:00 – 11:20 Session 1: Setting the scene. Chair: Michelle Lowe (Southampton)

  • 10:00 Guy Poppy (Chief Scientific Adviser, Food Standards Agency) ‘ The AMR Challenge and the UK’s lead role in the international response
  • 10:20 Tim Leighton FRS, FEng (Southampton) ‘ NAMRIP – Southampton’s pioneering cross-disciplinary network response to the global challenge of AMR - objectives, structure, achievements and future directions
  • 10:35 Alex Hughes (Newcastle) with Neil Wrigley FBA (Southampton) ‘ "AMR and global supply chains"- how can we structure research on this under-studied issue?’
  • 10:50 Ana Mateus (Royal Veterinary Colleg e) '"A systematic review of AMR in food at the point of retail" – launching the new FSA sponsored review
  • 11:10 Questions

11:20 - 11:40: Tea/Coffee

11:40 -13:15 Session 2: What is known about the challenge of AMR in UK supply chains and how retailers are responding to the challenge?

(i) The AMR Challenge in Food Supply Chains: The Suppliers’ Perspective. Chair: Alex Hughes (Newcastle)

  • 11:40 Short contributions on diary, pig, poultry and aquaculture supply chains.Peter Dawson (Dairy UK), Zoe Davies (National Pig Association), Máire Burnett (British Poultry Council) and Una McCarthy (Marine Scotland)
  • 12:20 Questions

(ii) What do we know about how Retailers Regard and are Responding to the AMR Challenge?

  • 12:30 Panel Discussion chaired by Neil McCourt (Director, European Operations Amazon and Adjunct Professor Southampton) with representatives from major food retailers including Tesco, Asda and Waitrose on the panel. [Representatives from Sainsbury’s, M&S, Morrisons, Iceland, Aldi, Lidl and the Cooperative will also be present and take part in the wider discussion.]

13:15 - 14:15: Buffet Lunch

14:15 - 15:30 Session 3: Assessing and Reducing the Risk of AMR in Food Supply Chains. Chair: Alex Hughes (Newcastle)

  • 14:15 Marc Dumont (Southampton) ‘ The evolution of antibiotics and resistance against them
  • 14:30 Tom Cherrett (Southampton) and Tim Leighton (Southampton) ‘ How could engineering innovate to reduce risk of AMR in areas of food transport logistics, food packaging and cleaning technology?
  • 14:45 Kristen Reyher (Bristol) ‘ How can auditing supply chains address the responsible use of antibiotics?
  • 15:00 Steve Wearne (Head of Policy, Food Standards Agency) ‘ What is best practice for addressing AMR in food supply chains? How can food retailers support this?’
  • 15:15 Questions and closing comments

15:30 Refreshments and networking

The event is sponsored by ESRC, EPSRC, FSA and NAMRIP

Speaker information

Speakers ,as on the programme

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