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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

NAMRIP takes AMR to BBC Countryfile Live show

The University of Southampton’s famous Roadshow made a fine sight in the splendid grounds of Blenheim Palace from 3rd-6th August and every day the team were busy talking to people as keen members of the public visited our exhibits.

Southampton University Roadshow
The University Roadshow tents were busy all day
Talking to a member of the public about AMR
NAMRIP - Spreading the word about Anti-Microbial Resistance

The story behind the problem of antimicrobial resistance engaged everyone and younger visitors were particularly fascinated by how 3D printing might help to avoid prescribing antibiotics to animals.

As you might expect from a Countryfile orientated audience, the Roadshow team saw evidence of great willingness to achieve sustainable systems to safeguard the future of both people and livestock.

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