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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

Prof Leighton presents Institute of Mechanical Engineers public lecture

Professor Tim Leighton
Professor Tim Leighton thanking sponsors and his team

At the invitation of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Professor Tim Leighton presented a public lecture on ‘Using the sound of bubbles against two apocalypses' on Tuesday 24th April 2018. This was the inaugural lecture of the Southampton Branch of the Biomedical Engineering Division of IMechE.

In discussing the role that acoustic bubbles have in mitigating the 'antibiotic apocalypse', Tim explained the science & engineering behind his StarHealer invention and his recent trip to Ghana.

The packed lecture, which was free to attend, was held in Lecture Theatre B of the Physics Building, Highfield Campus, 18:45-20:15.

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