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The University of Southampton
NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre

Randomised controlled trials

RCTs are the 'gold standard' research methodology
NETSCC coordinate RCTs across NIHR

On behalf of the Department of Health, NETSCC has developed and implemented collaborative activity to coordinate all NIHR randomised trials. This activity provides a level of awareness and focus for the NIHR randomised trials portfolio and planning. This work facilitates the NIHR to articulate and communicate its position as the main public funder of trials in the UK.

Randomised trials are focused upon as these are internationally recognised as a ‘high profile, flag-ship gold standard’ research methodology. They are an important design type when examining interventions, of particular relevance to the NIHR and NHS, and constitute the largest component of the NIHR portfolio. Wider research activity is not currently within scope for pragmatic reasons, although this may be reviewed in due course.

‘NIHR Randomised Trials Coordination’ in this context refers to a process whereby:

Coordination activities focus on two main areas:

Information and resources regarding the range of trial activities developed by NIHR to support its trials portfolio and the researchers, clinicians and patients involved can be found at NIHR Trials Overview.

Randomised controlled Trial (RCT)

An experiment in which two or more interventions, possibly including a control intervention or no intervention, are compared by being randomly allocated to participants.

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