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NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre


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Recio Saucedo, A., Meadmore, K., NIHR Open Access Policy Review Stakeholder Survey Results. NIHR Open Access Policy Review Stakeholder Survey... | Documents | NIHR Open Research

Meadmore, K., Recio-Saucedo, A., & Blatch-Jones, A.J. from the Research on Research Team & the Open Access Working Group. Knowledge is power: Public perspectives ion open access publishing. Knowledge is Power: Public perspectives on Open Access publishing (

Fackrell, K., Meadmore, K., Recio Saucedo, A., Bull, A., Fraser, S., & Blatch-Jones, A. (2021). Identification and comparison of key criteria of feedback of funding decisions: Mixed methods analysis of funder and applicant perspectives. BMJ Open, 11(9), [e048979], doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048979


Westmore M., Meadmore K. (2020) Funding Models and Proposals . In: Piantadosi S., Meinert C. (eds) Principles and Practice of Clinical Trials. Springer, Cham.

Katie Meadmore & Kathryn Fackrell & Alejandra Recio-Saucedo & Abby Bull & Simon D S Fraser & Amanda Blatch-Jones, 2020. Decision-making approaches used by UK and international health funding organisations for allocating research funds: A survey of current practice , PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 15(11)

Blatch-Jones A, Nuttall J, Bull A, Worswick L, Mullee M, Peveler R, Falk S, Tape N, Hinks J, Lane A J, Wyatt J C, Griffiths G. Using digital tools in the recruitment and retention in randomised controlled trials: survey of UK Clinical Trial Units and a qualitative study. Trials 2020; 21:304.


Moran R, Butt J, Heller S, Hinks J, Kerridge L, Samuels M, Hanney S. Health research systems in change: the case of ‘Push the Pace’ in the National Institute for Health Research . Health Research Policy and Systems 2019; 17:37.


Shepherd J, Frampton G K, Pickett K, Wyatt J C. Peer review of health research funding proposals: A systematic map and systematic review of innovations for effectiveness and efficiency . PLoS ONE 2018; 13(5).

Turner S, Bull A, Chinnery F, Hinks J, Mcardle N, Moran R, Payne H, Woodford Guegan E, Worswick L, Wyatt C J. Evaluation of stakeholder views on peer review of NIHR applications for funding: a qualitative study . BMJ Open 2018; 8:12.

Sorrell L, Mcardle N, Becque T, Payne H, Stuart B, Turner S, Wyatt C J. Influence of external peer reviewer scores for funding applications on funding board decisions: a retrospective analysis of 1561 reviews . BMJ Open 2018; 8:12.

Blatch-Jones A J, Pek W, Kirkpatrick E, Ashton-Key M. Role of feasibility and pilot studies in randomised controlled trials: a cross-sectional study . BMJ Open 2018; 8:9.

Healy P, Galvin S, Williamson P R, Treweek S, Whiting C, Maeso B, Bray C, Brocklehurst P, Clarke Moloney M, Douiri A, Gamble C, Gardner H R, Mitchell D, Stewart D, Jordan J, O’Donnell M, Clarke M, Pavitt S H, Woodford Guegan E, Blatch-Jones A, Smith V, Reay H, Devane D. Identifying trial recruitment uncertainties using a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership – the PRioRiTy (Prioritising Recruitment in Randomised Trials) study. Trials 2018; 19:147.

Treweek S, Bevan S, Bower P, Campbell M, Christie J, Clarke M, Collett C, Cotton S, Devane D, El Feky A, Flemyng E, Galvin S, Gardner H, Gillies K, Jansen J, Littleford R, Parker A, Ramsay C, Restrup L, Sullivan F, Torgerson D, Tremain L, Westmore M, Williamson P R. Trial Forge Guidance 1: what is a Study Within A Trial (SWAT)? Trials 2018; 19:139. 10.1186/s13063-018-2535-5

Chinnery F, Bashevoy G, Blatch-Jones A, Douet L, Puddicombe S, Raftery J. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme research funding and UK burden of disease. Trials 2018; 19:87.


Turner S, Ollerhead E, Cook A. Identifying research priorities for public health research to address health inequalities: use of Delphi-like survey methods. Health Research Policy and Systems 2017; 15:87.

Kirkpatrick E, Gaisford W, Williams E, Brindley E, Tembo D, Wright D. Understanding Plain English summaries. A comparison of two approaches to improve the quality of Plain English summaries in research reports. Research Involvement and Engagement 2017; 3:17.

Hind D, Reeves B.C, Bathers S, Bray C, Corkhill A, Hayward C, Harper L, Napp V, Norrie J, Speed C, Tremain L, Keat N, Bradburn M. Comparative costs and activity from a sample of UK clinical trials units. Trials 2017; 18:203.

Tudur Smith C, Nevitt S, Appelbe D, Appleton R, Dixon P, Harrison J, Marson A, Williamson P, Tremain E. Resource implications of preparing individual participant data from a clinical trial to share with external researchers. Trials 2017; 18:319.

Hanney S, Greenhalgh T, Blatch-Jones A, Glover M, Raftery J. The impact on healthcare, policy and practice from thirty-six multi-project research programmes: finding from two reviews. Health Research Policy and Systems 2017; 15:26.

Cook A, Streit E, Davage G. Involving clinical experts in prioritising topics for health technology assessment: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2017:7


Dorling H, Ollerhead L, Kidgell C. The NIHR public health research programme: intervention approaches to tackle health inequalities. J Public Health (Oxf) 2016; 1-7.

Guegan EW, Dorling H, Ollerhead L, Westmore M. Mapping public health research across the National Institute of Health Research 2006-2013. BMC Public Health 2016; 16:911.

Raftery J, Hanney, S, Greenhalgh T, Glover M, Blatch Jones A. Models and applications for measuring the impact of health research: update of a systematic review for the Health Technology Assessment programme. Health Technol Assess 2016; 20 (76): 1-254. (funded through direct commissioning)

Greenhalgh T, Raftery J, Hanney S, Glover M. Research impact: a narrative review. BMC Medicine 2016; 14:78


Stephens R.J, Whiting C, Cowan K. Research priorities in mesothelioma: A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership . Lung Cancer; 2015.05.021

Raftery J, Young A, Stanton L, Milne R, Cook A, Turner D, et al. Clinical trial metadata: defining and extracting metadata on the design, conduct, results and costs of 125 randomised clinical trials funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme . Health Technol Assess 2015;19(11)

Turner S, Bhurke S, Cook A. Impact of NIHR HTA Programme funded research on NICE clinical guidelines: a retrospective cohort. Health Research Policy and Systems (2015) 13:37.

Dorling H, Cook A, Ollerhead L, Westmore M. The NIHR Public Health Research Programme: responding to local authority research needs in the United Kingdom. Health Research Policy and Systems 2015; 13:77.

Bhurke S, Cook A, Tallant A, Young A, Williams E, Raftery J. Using systematic reviews to inform NIHR HTA trial planning and design: a retrospective cohort. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2015; 15:108


Turner S, Davidson P, Stanton L, Cawdeary V. Features of successful bids for funding of applied health research: a cohort study . Health Research Policy and Systems 2014; 12:54. .

Woodford Guegan E, Cook A. European network for Health Technology Assessment Joint Action (EUnetHTA JA): a process evaluation performed by questionnaires and documentary analysis. Health Technol Assess 2014;18(37).

Wright D, Young A, Iserman E, Maeso R, Turner S, Haynes RB, Milne R. The clinical relevance and newsworthiness of NIHR HTA-funded research: a cohort study . BMJ Open 2014;4

Dorling H, White D, Turner S, Campbell K, Lamont T. Developing a checklist for research proposals to help describe health service interventions in UK research programmes: a mixed methods study. Health Research Policy and Systems 2014; 12:12

Douet L, Milne R, Anstee S, Habens F, Young A, Wright D. The completeness of intervention descriptions in published National Institute of Health Research HTA-funded trials: a cross-sectional study . British Medical Journal 2014;4

Woodford Guegan E, Huić M and Teljeur C. EUnetHTA: Further steps towards European cooperation on Health Technology Assessment (editorial). International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2014; 30 (5): 475-477.

Woodford Guegan E, Cook A. Success factors for international HTA projects: evaluating EUnetHTA joint action as an exemplar. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2014; 30 (5): 544-551.


Choonara I, Kenny T. Setting the research agenda for women and children: the role of Health Technology Assessment . Archives of disease in childhood 2013;98(8):574-75.

Chinnery F, Young A, Goodman J, A s hton-Key M, Milne R. Time to publication for NIHR HTA programme-funded research: a cohort study. BMJ Open 2013;3

Raftery J, Powell J – Health Technology Assessment in the UK. The Lancet, Volume 382, Issue 9900, pages 1278-1285.

Cook A, Douet L, Boutron I. Descriptions of non-pharmacological interventions in clinical trials. British Medical Journal, Editorial 2013;347.

Raftery J. How should we value future health? Was NICE right to change? Value in Health 2013;16:699-700.

Turner S, Meads G, Garfield – Birkbeck S (2013) International Health Management Research: A Two Way Street for the UK. International Journal of Advances in Management Science, Volume 2 Issue 3.

Turner S, Wright D, Maeso R, Cook A, Milne R. Publication rate for funded studies from a major UK health research funder: a cohort study. BMJ Open 2013;3.

Wright D, Milne R, Price A, Tose N. Assessing the International Use of Health Technology Assessments: Exploring the Merits of Different Methods when applied to the National Institute of Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) Programme. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2013; 29(2): p192-197.


Raftery J, Fairbank E, Douet L, Dent L, Price A, Milne R, Walley T. Registration of non-commercial randomised clinical trials: the feasibility of using trial registries to monitor the number of trials . Trials 2012; 13(140).

Meads G, Chatting D, Burgess A, Westmore M. A research guide to CCG management. British Journal of Healthcare Management 2012; 18(4): p. 198-201.

Meads G, White D, Westmore M. The capacity of health services research to support Integrated Care in England. Journal of Integrated Care 2012; 20(5): p. 270-283.

Djulbegovic B, Kumar A, Galsziou P, Perera R, Relijic T, Dent L, Raftery J, Johansen M, Di Tanna G.L, Miladinovic B, Soares H, Vist G, Chalmers I. New treatments compared to established treatments in randomized trials. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2012.


Anstee S, Price A, Young A, Barnard K, Coates B, Fraser S, Moran R. Developing a matrix to identify and prioritise research recommendations in HIV Prevention . BMC Public Health 2011; 11(381).

Dent L, Raftery J. Treatment success in pragmatic randomised controlled trials: a review of trials funded by the UK Health Technology Assessment programme . Trials 2011; 12(109).

Dent L, Taylor R, Jolly K, Raftery J. "Flogging dead horses": evaluating when have clinical trials achieved sufficiency and stability? A case study in cardiac rehabilitation . Trials 2011; 12(83).

Moran R, Davidson P. An uneven spread: A review of public involvement in the National Institute of Health Research's Health Technology Assessment program . International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2011; 27(4): p. 343-347.

Seto I, Dent L. Junior researchers' experience of innovation in a interdisciplinary team environment . Knowledge Management Research and Practice 2011; 9: p. 95-97.

Young A, Milne R, Raftery J, Dent L, Turner D, Davidson P, Cook A. Research to meet the needs of the NHS: a review of published NIHR HTA clinical trials Trials, 2011; 12(Supplement 1): p. A86.


Barnard K, Dent L, Cook A. A systematic review of models to predict recruitment to multicentre clinical trials . BMC Medical Research Methodology 2010; 10(63).

Turner S, Adams N, Cook A, Price A, Milne R. Potential benefits of using a toolkit developed to aid in the adaptation of HTA reports: a case study considering positron emission tomography (PET) and Hodgkin's disease . Health Research Policy and Systems 2010; 8(16).

Mortlock A, Cashmore L. What cost evidence synthesis? BMJ 2010; 340: p. 776.

Douet L, Preedy D, Thomas V, Cree I. An exploratory investigation of the influence of publication on translational medicine research . Journal of Translational Medicine 2010; 8(62).


Lyle, K., L. Dent, S. Bailey, L. Kerridge, I. Roberts, and R. Milne, Carbon cost of pragmatic randomised controlled trials: retrospective analysis of sample of trials . BMJ, 2009. 339(b4187).

Turner, S., D.L. Chase, R. Milne, A. Cook, N.J. Hicks, C. Rosten, L. Payne, S. Coles, and E. Bell, The health technology assessment adaptation toolkit: Description and use. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2009. 25(Supplement S2): p. 37-41.

Turner, S., D.L. Chase, R. Milne, A. Cook, N.J. Hicks, C. Rosten, L. Payne, S. Coles, and E. Bell, The adaptation of health technology assessment reports: Identification of the need for, and development of, a toolkit to aid the process. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2009. 25(Supplement S2): p. 28-36.

Rosten, C., D.L. Chase, N.J. Hicks, and R. Milne, Enhancing understanding: The development of a glossary of health technology assessment adaptation terms . International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2009. 25(Supplement S2): p. 42-47.

Raftery, J., S. Hanney, C. Green, and M. Buxton, Assessing the impact of England's National Health Service R&D Health Technology Assessment program using the "payback" approach . International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2009. 25: p. 1-5.

Milne, R. and C. Law, The NIHR public health research programme: developing evidence for public health decision-makers . Journal of Public Health, 2009. 31(4): p. 589-592.

Chase, D., C. Rosten, S. Turner, N. Hicks, and R. Milne, Development of a toolkit and glossary to aid in the adaptation of health technology assessment (HTA) reported for use in different context . Health Technology Assessment, 2009. 13(59).


Raftery, J., J. Bryant, J. Powell, C. Kerr, and S. Hawker, Payment to healthcare professionals for patient recruitment to trials: systematic review and qualitative study . Health Technology Assessment, 2008. 12(10).

NCCHTA, EUnetHTA HTA Adaptation Toolkit (Work package 5) , 2008.


Shepherd, J., J. Bryant, L. Payne, C. Packer, L. Kerridge, and M. Ashton-Key, Setting the future policy agenda for health technology assessment: A speciality mapping approach . International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2007. 23: p. 405-413.;jsessionid=7ADED84836B15F59FD828801BC5452CD.journals?fromPage=online&aid=1370824

Hanney, S., M. Buxton, C. Green, D. Coulson, and J. Raftery, An assessment of the impact of the NHS Health Technology Assessment Programme . Health Technology Assessment, 2007. 11(53).


Stein, K., A. Fry, A. Round, R. Milne, and J. Brazier, What value health?: A review of health state values used in early technology assessments for NICE. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2005. 4(4): p. 219-228.


Stevens, A. and R. Milne, Health technology assessment in England and Wales . International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2004. 20: p. 11-24.

Oliver, S., L. Clarke-Jones, R. Rees, R. Milne, P. Buchanan, J. Gabbay, G. Gyte, A. Oaklet, and K. Stein, Involving consumers in research and development agenda setting for the NHS: developing an evidence-based approach. Health Technology Assessment, 2004. 8(15).


Stevens, A., R. Milne, and A. Burls, Health technology assessment: history and demand . Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2003. 25(2): p. 98-101.

Milne, R., A. Clegg, and A. Stevens, HTA responses and the classic HTA report . Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2003. 25(2): p. 102-106.


Stevens, A. and R. Milne, Evaluating health care technologies, in Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice , D. Pencheon, et al., Editors. 2001, Oxford University Press: Oxford. p. 300-307.

Oliver, S., R. Milne, J. Bradburn, P. Buchanan, L. Kerridge, T. Walley, and J. Gabbay, Involving consumers in a needs-led research programme: a pilot project . Health Expectations, 2001. 4: p. 18-28.

Gabbay, J., L. Kerridge, R. Milne, and K. Stein, The NHS R&D Health Technology Assessment programme, in Research and Development for the NHS: evidence, evaluation and effectiveness , M.R. Baker and S. Kirk, Editors. 2001, Radcliffe Medical Press: Abingdon, Oxon. p. 141-162.


Chase, D., R. Milne, K. Stein, and A. Stevens, What are the relative merits of the sources to identify potential research priorities for the NHS HTA programme? International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2000. 16(3): p. 743-750.


Stevens, A., R. Milne, R. Lilford, and J. Gabbay, Keeping pace with new technologies: systems needed to identify and evaluate them . BMJ, 1999. 319(1291).

Robert, G. and R. Milne, Positron emission tomography: establishing priorities for health technology assessment . Health Technology Assessment, 1999. 3(16).

Robert, G. and R. Milne, A Delphi study to establish national cost-effectiveness research priorities for positron emission tomography . European Journal of Radiology, 1999. 30: p. 54-60.


Stevens, A. and R. Milne, A knowledge-based health service: how do the new initiatives work? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1998. 35(91): p. 26-31.


Stevens, A. and R. Milne, The Effectiveness Revolution and Public Health, in Progress in Public Health , G. Scally, Editor 1997, The Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd: London. p. 197-225.

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