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The University of Southampton

Southampton researchers play key role in Alzheimer’s Research UK report

Published: 27 January 2012

Researchers from the University of Southampton have made a major contribution to a report calling on the government to invest more in dementia and Alzheimer research.

The Defeating Dementia report by Alzheimer’s Research UK was launched at the House of Commons on Thursday 26 January.

It outlines 14 recommendations to the government and all research funders to help boost capacity and create a research environment better suited to the challenge posed by dementia. Moreover the report warns that the UK’s world-renowned dementia knowledge base could be lost unless scientists have better opportunities to enter and remain in the field.

Professor Hugh Perry, Dr Vincent O’Connor and Dr Roxana Carare of the University of Southampton’s were all quoted within the report and played a key role in outlining its recommendations. All three academics are also members of the Southampton Neuroscience Group.

Dr Roxana Carare

The University of Southampton carries out many research projects into the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr Carare, who sits on the University’s Ageing Multidisciplinary Research Group, says: “The capacity for research into dementia in the UK is phenomenal - we have superb skills, ambition and knowledge. Unfortunately, anxiety about the lack of funding in dementia research dampens the enthusiasm of scientists and the quest for securing funds takes valuable time away from the laboratory. We really need to raise awareness of the impact that research into the mechanisms underlying dementia will have on reducing NHS and care costs and burden.”

Numbers of people living with dementia are spiralling towards one million as the population ages, costing the economy over £23billion – with over 2,000 people in Southampton alone affected by the condition. So far £50m is invested in Alzheimer’s research in the UK each year compared to £169m in heart disease research and £590m in cancer research.

To view The Defeating Dementia report by Alzheimer’s Research UK visit

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