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The University of Southampton

Student volunteers recycle on your doorstep for the British Heart Foundation

Published: 7 June 2012

A team of volunteers from the University of Southampton Students’ Union (SUSU) will be collecting unwanted household items from students’ doorsteps in the city, as they prepare to move out of their houses for the summer break.

The Recycling on your Doorstep scheme aims to help keep the streets clean and encourage students to recycle unwanted items for charity when they leave their student houses at the end of the year. Last year, the Recycling on Your Doorstep scheme was a great success, with 989.3kg of unwanted goods collected, amounting to over £1500 being raised for the British Heart Foundation.

The volunteers will be collecting bags from various roads in Portswood between Monday 11th June and Friday 15th June. Items that can be collected include clothes, books, handbags, kitchenware, CDs and DVDs.

The 2010/11 team

Frankie Fry, Vice President Welfare and Communities at SUSU says; “The scheme is a fantastic way of showing that the University and the Students’ Union are here to help students play a positive role in the local community.

Many students leave the city in the summer with nowhere to take unwanted items, so by initiating the Recycling on your Doorstep project, we can help to keep the city clean and tidy whilst raising money for the British Heart Foundation.

“I encourage all students to look out for the recycling bags that will be dropping through their doors over the next week and follow the instructions attached to them, to help raise money for the British Heart Foundation and keep our city clean.”

The students will be supported by Southampton City Council, which will be carrying out additional collections and providing a health and safety briefing and equipment for the volunteers.

Southampton City Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Asa Thorpe says; “We’re delighted to be supporting this scheme which makes such a positive contribution to increasing reuse and recycling in the City and reduces the amount of material that needs to be disposed of, which is good for the environment and saves money. The Southampton students are really contributing to their community whilst raising money for a fantastic cause.”

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