British Councils Researcher links programme
The British Councils Researcher links programme provides funding for bilateral workshops and travel grants, both with a focus on early career researchers. There are 19 partner countries involved, including Brazil. This is a really great opportunity for leading researchers in the UK and one of the involved partner countries to fund workshops on a bi-lateral basis, that will bring together early-career researchers and build international connections.
Leading Researchers should apply to be workshop coordinators and propose a theme for the workshop using the application form. It must be a joint application, with one coordinator based at a UK institution and one based in the partner country. The applicants can be of any nationality, but must be based in the UK or one of the partner countries. The full list of partner countries can be found at the end of this section. Leading Researchers are defined as being upper R3 and R4, as outlined by the EC in this document. The participants of the workshops must be early-career researchers, as defined later in this section, and must also be based in either the UK or one of the partner countries.
Travel Grants
The travel grants are open to early-career researchers that are based in either the UK or one of the partner countries.
Partner Countries
At this stage the following countries are included;
Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United States of America
(Travel Grants only),
Further information on this programme, including the latest call for proposals, can be found here: