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The University of Southampton

IIT Roorkee signs collaboration agreement with University of Southampton

Published: 16 May 2014

The University of Southampton, UK, one of the world's top 100 research universities, has signed a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IIT Roorkee, the oldest technical institution of Asia.

The Director of IIT Rookee, Professor Pradipta Banerji and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton, Professor Don Nutbeam, signed the agreement during a joint workshop being held in Southampton this week.

“There are tremendous synergies between our institutions,” said Professor Mark Spearing, Pro Vice-Chancellor International of the University of Southampton, who was present for the signing. “There are excellent opportunities to build on these, via a To cement the relationship, the institutions are holding a number of workshops both in the UK and India. “The workshop this week in Southampton has already enabled us to identify areas where there is real potential for scientific collaboration,” said Professor Banerji. “We are very excited to be holding the next workshop at our Roorkee campus in July,” he added.

Other initiatives are planned, including a number of staff visits and exchanges and proposals, which will be of interest to both UK and Indian commercial organisations and Government bodies.

A number of initiatives developed by the UK and Indian Governments to promote collaborative research, for example UKIERI and the recently established Newton-Bhabha Fund,” Professor Spearing added.

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