Join Southampton’s leading researchers for a Pint of Science

What do you get when you place over 40 academic experts in five public venues in Southampton over three consecutive nights?
That’s the recipe for this year’s instalment of the ever-popular Pint of Science (PoS) festival, hosted by the University of Southampton from 14-16 May.
Through Pint of Science, academics from Southampton, joined by some additional invited guest presenters, will bring research to life through unique talks, demonstrations and close-up experiments at locations throughout the city.
With tickets at just £4.00 per night at each venue (some events have sold out already!), visitors can explore a wide range of subjects being researched ‘behind the University’s doors’, including:
- “ The shape of (small) water ” – an opportunity to explore the unique, microscopic properties of water and how they can be packaged and structured to invent new tools to probe even deeper into the biological world and ultimately to transform our approach to medicine;
- “ Squadguru: an AI bot that beat 99% of human players at Fantasy Football ” – learn why Fantasy Football is serious research (even if it doesn’t sound like it!) and how an algorithm developed to play the English Premier League Fantasy Football competition beat 99% of human players at the game;
- “ A whisper from the edge of physics ” – the detection of gravitational waves by a team of international scientists proved to be the science story of 2017 testing our ideas about extreme physics associated with neutron stars and offering a glimpse into the future where we’re likely to use similar observations to probe the very edge of physics;
- " Bubbles for bone: using bubbles and ultrasound to heal bone fractures " – take a futuristic journey where bubbles and drugs are used to treat fractures which cannot heal naturally where the aim is to help the injured site by regenerating new bone!
Alongside the main talks, each evening will also include a range of fun, science-related activities including live experiments, science comedy, fun quizzes, brain teaser tests and other interactive games. In addition, the University’s hand-on ‘Stem Cell Mountain’ will make an appearance, combining the fun of a pinball machine with key biological concepts.
Participating venues across the city this year include Stein Garten (High Street), Mango Thai Tapas Bar & Lounge (Canute Road, Ocean Village), Slug and Lettuce (Above Bar), The Talking Heads (The Polygon) and Mettricks Guildhall.
“We’re very excited about the programme we’ve lined up for this year’s Pint of Science in Southampton,” said Sophie Arthur, PhD researcher in embryonic stem cell metabolism at the University of Southampton and Communications Co-ordinator for the Southampton events. “The whole programme is about engaging people in scientific research in a relaxed atmosphere where they learn and be entertained at the same time.
“Southampton’s Pint of Science has built up quite a following over the last few years with tickets going quickly at some venues so we would encourage anyone who is thinking about joining us to go online and book early,” Sophie continued. “The talks and other aspects of each event are aimed at audiences with no scientific knowledge so come and join us and meet the real people behind the incredible research going on at the University of Southampton.”
Tickets are just £4 per night and available via the Pint of Science Southampton website .