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The University of Southampton

Southampton Professor becomes Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences

Published: 30 September 2021

Sabu Padmadas, Professor of Demography and Global Health at the University of Southampton, has been conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

The research interests of Professor Padmadas, who has been at Southampton since 2002, focus broadly on population dynamics and the application of demographic analysis and statistical modelling of global health and wellbeing outcomes in low-middle income and transition economies.

On receiving news of the award, Professor Padmadas said:

“I am truly delighted to receive this honour and recognition from the Academy of Social Sciences. I wholeheartedly dedicate this Fellowship to the University, my wonderful colleagues and students at Social Statistics and Demography, our professional services, and exceptional researchers from across continents, who have supported and inspired me to grow intellectually and professionally over the last two decades.

“I remain eternally grateful to have had the opportunities to lead several international research projects in Asia, Africa, Middle-East and Latin America, and particularly research spanning over a decade of impact evaluation of a large-scale United Nations programme in China which transformed its official family planning policy, safeguarding the reproductive rights of women and couples. No books or Wikipedia can substitute the experience in China, as presumably, I have understood India, UK and the rest of the world a lot better.

“Throughout this journey, I have realised the infinite potential and flexibility of demography and social statistics to beautifully integrate with other pertinent interdisciplinary areas within social, health, behavioural, environmental, business, engineering and life sciences.

"This is also a momentous occasion, for me personally, as we enter a decade of celebrations of our popular undergraduate interdisciplinary global health curriculum within social sciences which continues to inspire and transform individual student careers, and the MSc in Global Health which attracts students from across disciplines and world regions.

“As we enter towards an era dominated by the complex interactions between humans and machines, I believe social sciences research will play a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of sustainable societies and human behaviours.”

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