Localising Food Systems Conference Event

- Time:
- 09:45 - 17:15
- Date:
- 7 December 2016
- Venue:
- The Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, University of Oxford, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG.
For more information regarding this event, please email Clare Downing at clare.downing@ukcip.org.uk .
Event details
The food-energy-water nexus issues of re-distributed manufacturing
This conference is intended to stimulate exchange and debate about the related issues in re-distributed food manufacturing, food systems, and food-energy-water nexus issues at enterprise, local and regional levels. This event will be truly multidisciplinary, welcoming contributions from engineering, agriculture, natural sciences and social sciences.
The conference will offer opportunities to:
* Showcase research in these areas including the results from our Food, Energy, Water Local Nexus Network http://localnexus.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67725d796b5d778e82aa8f216&id=7c94eda34b&e=0106aea98c through plenary talks and poster presentations
* Examine key research questions for future exploration, with a view to establishing potential research collaborations through structured breakout discussions
* Foster the extension of the community of researchers and stakeholders for sustainable local food-energy-water nexuses through face-to-face networking during the lunch and drinks sessions.
The call for poster abstracts and registration is now OPEN!
Register and submit a poster abstract for ‘Localising Food Systems Conference: food-energy-water nexus issues of RDM http://localnexus.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67725d796b5d778e82aa8f216&id=37ca39fb77&e=0106aea98c
If you would like to submit a poster abstract but do not yet have the details, please register using the ‘submit a poster abstract’ link and put ‘to be completed’ as the abstract text. Once you have the abstract details you can edit the abstract at any time up until the deadline.
Conference Speakers will include:
* Dr. Valentina Stojceska, Brunel University London: Sustainability in the food supply chain
* Prof. Harris Makatsoris, Cranfield University: Co-creation of food products with consumers in the loop
* Dr. Matt Watson, University of Sheffield, Nexus Network: Bringing the nexus home- linking supply to household demand
* Dr. Lucy Foster, Defra: Government plans for ‘farm to fork’
* Graeme White, Harrison Catering: Public sector food procurement policies on businesses
The draft programme is available at http://localnexus.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67725d796b5d778e82aa8f216&id=bf42ce196e&e=0106aea98c
Re-distributed manufacturing (RdM) is concerned with localised production with indigenous, sustainable resources to support the local economy and communities. It is driven by the desire to improve resource utilisation and broader environmental and social sustainability in response to the globally challenging issues such as insecurity of essential supplies, climate change, and social-economic imbalance and injustice. Among products and services that can potentially benefit from localised production, food, energy and water represent the most essential commodities for every society. Furthermore, it has increasingly been recognised that close ties exist between these commodities, manifested by the significant energy and water footprints in food production and processing and the mutual footprint between energy and water production. A number of research initiatives have recently taken place that are addressing the connection between RdM and the food-energy-water nexus, including the Local Nexus Network (LNN), the organiser of this conference.
Contacts (Local Nexus Network)
* Clare Downing, Co-ordinator clare.downing@ukcip.org.uk
* Aidong Yang, Principal Investigator aidong.yang@eng.ox.ac.uk
The Local Nexus Network is a consortium from six universities lead by the University of Oxford including the University of Birmingham, University of Surrey, Cardiff University, University of Exeter and Newcastle University. It is funded by EPSRC and ESRC.