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The University of Southampton
NEXUS Science

Professor Robert Nicholls: NEXUS global challenges - the road to success Event

11:00 - 14:00
30 January 2017
37 / 4049 (Senate Room)

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Event details

What practical steps can we take to bring to prominent awareness, the discussion around the crucial challenges posed by the highly interconnected interdependencies between water, energy and food security? It is unsustainable to continue as we are so how do we stimulate a change in thinking that might lead to inventive policies that will effect change at all levels of society?

The dramatic spike in resource use over the last two decades, particularly in the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China, has exacerbated the threat of resource scarcity. And the world’s failure to curb emissions of greenhouse gases means that the impacts of climate change will be felt strongly across food, water and energy – the three dimensions of the nexus

Michael Bradshaw - Professor of global energy at Warwick Business School (in an article for The Guardian)

Programme (may be subject to changes)

11.00 – Coffee and registration

11.15 – Welcome and introduction to Nexus-Science: Professor Paul Kemp

11.30 – Professor Robert Nicholls: ‘NEXUS global challenges - the road to success'

12.10 – Pitches: 3 minutes to describe ideas that could be advanced with GCRF funding with Q & A chaired by Dr Joel Smethurst

12.30 – buffet lunch and networking

13.30 –  Divide into groups to discuss and develop ideas

14.00 – finish

Speaker information

Robert Nicholls,Professor of Coastal Engineering within Engineering and the Environment at the University of Southampton

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