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The University of Southampton
NEXUS Science

Professor Guy Poppy on the Food Standards Agency and the Government perspective on Food and Nexus issues Event

12:00 - 14:30
15 May 2017
34/3001, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please email .

Event details

Professor Guy Poppy took up his post as Chief Scientific Adviser at the Food Standards Agency in August 2014.

Guy is also a Professor of Ecology at the University of Southampton, and a members of the NEXUS-Science USRG. His role as CSA for the Food Standards Agency gives him an overview of the UK Government perspective on such issues.

Professor Guy Poppy is a member of the NEXUS-Science group at the UNiversity of Southampton


12.00 Buffet lunch and networking

13:00 Introduction, Professor Paul Kemp

13.10 Professor Guy Poppy: 'The Food Standards Agency and the Government perspective on Food and Nexus issues’

13:45 Q&A

14.15 Close

All are welcome and the event is free. Feel free to circulate news of the event to others who you think will be interested.

Students, both undergraduates and postgraduates are especially welcome. Please encourage them to attend.

Speaker information

Guy Poppy,Chief Scientific Adviser at the Food Standards Agency and Professor of Ecology at the University of Southampton

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