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The University of Southampton
NEXUS Science

'The water-energy-climate cycle: from vicious to virtuous?' Professor David Butler FREng visits Southampton Event

water treatment
13:00 - 15:30
29 November 2017
University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Building 34 / 3001

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Event details

Professor David Butler, has over 30 years experience as an internationally-leading researcher, teacher and consultant in the water sector.

Join us to network with other members and find out about current activities. Hear an update on attendance at Global GCRF workshops and our GCRF funding. After lunch Professor David Butler will give his talk:'The water-energy-climate cycle: from vicious to virtuous?'

The talk will outline the water-energy-climate cycle and explain the various elements that make up a ‘vicious’ cycle.  These include considering the water implications of energy generation, and the energy/GHG implications of providing water services.  It will also discuss ‘virtuous’ interventions for water and energy savings that could be adopted by individuals, domestic appliances, buildings and cities.  The talk will be illustrated with recent research findings.

Professor Butler specialises in urban water management, including sustainable and resilient water systems, integration and control and water-energy-carbon interactions. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and co-director of the Centre for Water Systems at Exeter University. More information about the Centre's research is here .


13.00 Buffet lunch and networking

14:00 Introduction, Professor Paul Kemp

14.10 Professor David Butler: 'Water: supply, demand and sustainable and resilient systems'

15:00 Q&A

15:30 Close

All are welcome and the event is free but to help us to gauge catering requirements please be sure to book your place. Please also circulate news of the event to others who you think will be interested. Students, both undergraduates and postgraduates, are especially welcome. Please encourage them to attend.

Speaker information

David Butler ,Exeter University,Professor of water engineering, in the College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences

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