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The University of Southampton
NEXUS Science


Defining and solving the challenges that emerge when exploiting Water/Energy/Food (WEF) resources in combination requires integrating expertise from multiple disciplines. In-line with the University’s strategic Vision-2020, we provide a hub for collaborative interdisciplinary research to advance sustainable WEF resource development.


Population growth places strain on inadequate distribution systems, resulting in nearly 1 billion people worldwide being unable to access safe drinking water and sanitation. In the UK, current infrastructure will be unable to cope with future demand that will exceed resource availability, particularly during drought exacerbated by climate change.


All stocks of commercially important fish are predicted to collapse by 2050 at current rates of harvest. In the UK, agricultural resilience must be improved in the face of extreme climate events that will become more frequent and intense. The area of agricultural land in England and Wales at frequent risk of flooding is predicted to double by the 2050s and rise by more than 150% by the 2080s.


By 2020, 30% of the current UK electricity generating capacity will need to be replaced by a low carbon energy system, as ageing power stations and existing infrastructure are decommissioned. The UK needs to advance novel technology and install new infrastructure to mitigate for environmental impacts.

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