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The University of Southampton
NEXUSS - Next Generation Unmanned Systems Science

Current NEXUSS students

The central component of the NEXUSS student’s doctoral experience is a major, challenging and innovative research project, in which the student will conduct original SAOS-based environmental research. NEXUSS projects are carefully designed to be at the forefront of SAOS development and application to an exciting environmental science problem. The remit of NEXUSS projects is such that novel integration of environmental, engineering and Big Data technology or approaches is required to pursue the research. Each student will be guided in their research by a multidisciplinary supervisory team of at least three expert researchers from two or more NEXUSS partner institutions.

Cohort 1

Karen Boswara

Karen Boswarva (SAMS)

Testing the effectiveness of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for monitoring and mapping the seabed in Marine Protected Areas

Jason Salt (SAMS)

Jason Salt (SAMS)

Quantifying the temporal and spatial variability of Primary Productivity using Smart Autonomous Systems

Pip Simpson

Pip Simpson (UoS)

Development of in-situ ‘lab-on-chip’ sensors for ocean science, fisheries and aquaculture

Cohort 2

Daniel Bird

Daniel Bird (UEA)

GPU-Accelerated 3D Visualisation and Analysis of Migratory Behaviour of Long Lived Birds

Florentin Bulot

Florentin Bulot (UoS)

Performance characterization and application of networks of low-cost sensors for air pollution in urban areas

Jennifer Cocking

Jennifer Cocking (SAMS)

Microplastics in the marine environment: Detection using a novel, hyperspectral infrared camera on a UAV

Celia Marlowe

Celia Marlowe (UEA)

Plug and play monitoring: developing novel solutions for marine observations using divers as citizen scientists

Jenny Walker

Jenny Walker (UoS)

Learning in the Deep: Quantifying change in deep-sea benthic environments using images collected by AUVs

Cohort 3

Sarah Cryer

Sarah Cryer (NOC)

The role of river flow is regulating ocean acidification in Belizean coastal waters

Jethro Gauld

Jethro Gauld (UEA)

Improving the detection and estimation of birds' collision risk with energy infrastructure

Brandon Hobley (UEA)

Brandon Hobley (UEA)

Blue eyes: New tools for monitoring coastal environments using remotely piloted aircraft and machine learning

Anthony Lindley

Anthony Lindley (UoS)

A high-throughput autonomous microfluidic imaging system for the analysis of microalgae using a novel ultrasonic technology

Alan Wright

Alan Wright (UoS)

Develop a new generation of active chlorophyll fluorometers designed specifically to facilitate high resolution in situ measurements of oceanic primary production

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