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The University of Southampton
The NMR Spectroscopy Facility Capabilities

Hexafluoroniobium anion

Many compounds such as the NbF 6 anion can be better studied using nuclei other than 1 H and 13 C. Multinuclear probes enable such parameters as oxidation state, complexation geometry and fluxionality of organometallic complexes and inorganic salts to be probed.

M. Jura, W. Levason, G. Reid and M. Webster, Dalton Trans . 2009 , 7610; M. Jura, W. Levason, R. Ratnani, G. Reid and M. Webster, Dalton Trans . 2010 , 883.

Data Collection

Bruker DPX400/2 FT-NMR spectrometer (legacy)

10 mm BBO probe / 5 mm SEF probe

Niobium NMR spectrum. 93Nb NMR spectrum showing a binomial septet from coupling to the six 19F nuclei (I = 1/2, 100% natural abundance, 1JNb-F = 335 Hz).
Fluorine NMR spectrum. 19F NMR spectrum showing 10 lines from coupling to the 93Nb nucleus (I = 9/2, 100% natural abundance, 1JNb-F = 335 Hz).
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