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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Emeritus Professor Bob Nesbitt

Emeritus Professor

Emeritus Professor Bob Nesbitt's photo

I am a petrologist- geochemist with an interest in trace element and isotope geochemistry. Over the last 50 years I have worked and published on layered ultra basic- basic intrusions of Central Australia , komatiites and Ni deposits in Western Australia, U-Pb dating of zircons in Zimbabwe and Spain, plus a range of analytical techniques, especially XRF and laser ablation ICPMS .

Bsc (Hons) in Geology, University of Durham, (1958)
PhD (1961) Geology and Geochemistry of the Julianehaab area, SW Greenland, University of Durham.
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer & Reader, University of Adelaide 1962-1980
Commonwealth Research Fellow, University of Manchester 1967
Research Fellow, University of Yale, 1968
Research Fellow University of Toronto 1972
Research Professor, University of Rennes, 1979
Professor of Geology, University of Southampton, 1980-2001
Chairman, Department of Geology 1982-1992 & 1995-97
Dean of Science, University of Southampton 1987-1990
Emeritus Professor, University of Southampton, 2001-
Chairman and Vice Chair of the EC-funded Marie Curie Actions programmes (FP4-FP7) 1998-present.

Research interests

Specialism: Geochemistry

Research group


Emeritus Professor Bob Nesbitt
Ocean and Earth Science
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
University of Southampton Waterfront Campus
European Way
Southampton SO14 3ZH

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