Friday 30 September marked the formal retirement of Professor Harry Bryden, FRS from the University. Harry joined the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences in 1993 and worked at NOCS from its opening as the Southampton Oceanography Centre (SOC) in 1995. From 2007-2011 he led the NOCS Graduate School through an exciting period of development and growth.
Throughout his distinguished career as an oceanographer Harry has experienced, in the words of Tim Minshull, the University’s Head of Ocean and Earth Science, a series of “remarkable achievements”. These range from the authorship and co-authorship of approximately 90 refereed scientific publications, to being awarded the 2009 Prince Albert I Medal by the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean, “in recognition of his fundamental contributions to understanding the ocean’s role in the global climate system.”
These achievements will be celebrated in a special symposium in spring 2012, which many of Harry's friends, collaborators and former students will attend. Speakers will present some of the most recent advances in their own research, which owe considerably to Harry's innovative work over the last four decades.
Fortunately, despite this official retirement, Harry will continue to work at NOCS in a less formal capacity for many years to come.