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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Our alumni

Alex Elliott MSci Geophysics, 2008

Deloitte Petroleum Services Group

Alex Elliott's Photo

Alex Elliott studied MSci Geophysics within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton.

Having all the lecturers and support staff in one place was helpful and the facilities at NOCS are very well organised for the degree programmes

What made you choose the degree you studied?

Lifelong interest in earth sciences, coupled with an interest and abilities in maths and physics.

What made you select the University of Southampton to study that degree?

The facilities at the NOC impressed me, and I liked the city.

How did being located at NOCS benefit your time at university?

Having all the lecturers and support staff in one place was helpful and the facilities at NOCS are very well organised for the degree programmes.

What did you enjoy most about your degree?

Spending time with the people I met on my degree course. I’ve made some great friends, and I have no doubt that these are lifelong friendships. If we mean an event – I would say the Brittany field trip.

What opportunities did you take up that really added value to your experience as a student?

Joining the OTC – it is a great thing to get involved in and really develops your skills in leadership and presenting.

Tell us about your current role?

Oil and gas companies come to us with a plan to move into a country or buy and asset in an area, and we carry out a study to assess opportunities to aid their decision making.

I have however resigned from my current role, and start a new role with BG Group. My future role at BG will be as an Economist/Market Valuation Analyst – assessing whether sell-side investment bank analyst’s valuations of BG Group match the internal asset valuations.

What tips would you give to current students looking to start a career in your sector?

Work hard and get involved in as many different projects that you can. Learn as much as possible, and if your managers are impressed, then they will involve you in more projects which can only add to your experience and will impress a future interviewer.

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