Liam Fernand BSc Oceanography with Physics, 1990
Researcher at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science

I took the oceanography with physics degree and graduated in 1990 with a 2:1. I was lucky enough to have had Professor Ian Robinson as my final year project supervisor whose contacts in the remote sensing community were instrumental in my getting a job after graduation at the Space Department in Farnborough (now DERA, the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency) as a scientific officer. I worked on satellite remote sensing with various field work programs in Scotland and in the Bahamas. I then had a period of time at the then NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) lab at Dunstaffnage, Oban (now the Scottish Association for Marine Science) before moving to CEFAS (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) in Lowestoft. In nine years at CEFAS I have been involved in extensive research cruise programs around the UK and now lead a major program to look at circulation pathways around the UK shelf. During my time at CEFAS I gained my PhD undertaken part time from the University of Wales.
My days in Southampton are still very important to me. Not only has my course shaped my subsequent career (I still dig out my lecture notes occasionally) but also because even as an undergraduate the University encouraged me to become an active member of the marine science community.
My days in Southampton are still very important to me. Not only has my course shaped my subsequent career (I still dig out my lecture notes occasionally) but also because even as an undergraduate the University encouraged me to become an active member of the marine science community.