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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Southampton Oceanography student nominated as one of the country’s top 100 graduates

Published: 22 September 2010

A University of Southampton student has been selected in the top ten of the country’s top 100 graduates for the first British Graduate 100 Awards.

Anna Belcher, a first-class Oceanography graduate from the School of Ocean and Earth Science, was nominated as a finalist and award nominee for this year's Graduate 100 and was short-listed from amongst over 13,000 candidates

Anna, 22 from the Vale of Glamorgan, says: “It was very exciting to have reached the finalist stage and I am extremely grateful to the University of Southampton for nominating me. Studying at Southampton provided me with some amazing opportunities, including work experience in Vancouver and a year abroad in Seattle.

“I love the fact that oceanography can take you all over the world. The links that Southampton helped me to make with professors in America enabled me to take part in a number of research cruises this summer. I am hopeful that when I return, the experience I have gained at Southampton will put me in a good position for a career in oceanography.”

Anna’s success continued, when it was announced last week at the Challenger Society for Marine Science biannual conference that she had been awarded the prize for best Marine Science final-year undergraduate dissertation.

Dr Duncan Purdie, Deputy Head of the School of Ocean and Earth Science, says: “I congratulate Anna on these two wonderful achievements. This is a fantastic result which reflects Anna's hard work sustained through out the four years of her degree as well as the research-led calibre of teaching in SOES at the University.”

Graduate 100 is the largest initiative of its kind, developed in conjunction with Britain’s leading employers, universities and key industry figures. It identifies the recent graduates who are tipped to be the next generation of leaders.

Over 13,000 graduates and 70 universities nationwide entered this year.

The British Graduate 100 Awards took place in London last week, with James Caan from BBC Dragons Den as the keynote speaker, where the Graduate 100 finalists celebrated their success.

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