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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Discovering oceanography

Published: 24 May 2012

Local schoolchildren have had the opportunity to experience ‘hands on’ science and discover what lies beneath the ocean waves, by taking part in a Discovery Oceanography session won as a prize at the Southampton Boat Show.

The Discover Oceanography session was won by parents of a year 6 pupil at Compton All Saint’s Church of England Primary School, who entered a competition whilst visiting the University of Southampton’s Research Vessel Callista at the boat show in September. They donated the prize to the school so a whole class could enjoy a morning on-board Callista out on Southampton Water, learning about marine science through fun-filled, hands-on activities, sampling animal and plant life from the seabed.

Naomi Sadler, the Discover Oceanography prize winner says of the session: “It was very educational - good for inspiring young minds, and motivating children to get involved with science and the environment.”

Allison Driver, Head teacher at Compton School adds; “The day was brilliant, really informative with something for all age groups – a great day out.”

Run from the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, ‘Discover Oceanography’ sessions allow participants to survey the physical environment of local waters, using standard oceanographic instruments and historical techniques. They also use plankton nets and microscopes in Callista’s on-board laboratory to identify their catch and consider the ecology of the local seabed. The sessions are available to local schools, members of the public or corporate parties.

Budding oceanographers
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