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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Trip to Vancouver for prize-winning Geology student

Published: 19 July 2012

Fourth year MSci Geology student Jack Brighouse, has attended the prestigious International CARIS 2012 Conference in Vancouver after winning the trip for his involvement in a seafloor surveying project at NOCS.

R.V. Callista

As part of his MSci Geology degree, Jack chose to take the short intensive module called Seafloor Surveying 2.  As part of the assessment for the module he had the opportunity to acquire a geophysical dataset whilst on board the Ocean and Earth Science teaching catamaran, the R.V. Callista .  To process and interpret this data, Jack was trained in the use of the CARIS software programme, and his work on the project won him the fully funded trip to Vancouver (supported by prize money from the AAPG Imperial Barrel Award) by to attend the International CARIS 2012 Conference.  The conference was the largest gathering of CARIS users ever held, and comprised both presentations from keynote speakers as well as software training.

Having just arrived back in the UK, Jack says: "I was privileged to be the only UK student to attend the conference, and I was able to present my three-week project alongside students from other universities across the world.  As a geologist in a largely oceanographic and geophysical environment I was originally apprehensive, but I found that my last four years at the University of Southampton's National Oceanography Centre Southampton more than equipped me to cope.  It was a great opportunity to meet the world leaders in seafloor surveying, and I was approached by a variety of different employers interested in the skill sets I have acquired throughout my degree."

Jack Brighouse

It was a great opportunity to meet the world leaders in seafloor surveying, and I was approached by a variety of different employers interested in the skill sets I have acquired throughout my degree.

Jack Brighouse - Ocean & Earth Science undergraduate
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