Talking Sharks with children at Calmore Junior School
Dr Ken Collins visited Calmore Junior School this week to attend their Year Six Careers Fair afternoon. The day was a great success and included many professionals from other organisations, all there to inspire the children.
Dr Collins had been invited by a student called Bradley who wrote a letter to Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton. Bradley wanted to invite someone to attend the day and talk to him and others about sharks. Much to Bradley's and the other children's surprise and excitement, not only did Dr Collins take along magazines and models to show different types of sharks but he also took with him a set of real shark teeth.

Nick Darch, teacher and organiser of the careers afternoon said 'It really is great to be able to provide personalised moments of genuine excitement for the kids. Having Dr Ken Collins attend meant that Bradley was able to see the real impact he was able to have - 'the power of the pen'. With every reply and guest who was able to make the fair, the children saw that they really could make a difference simply by picking up a pen and writing a letter. The consequences of Ken's, and others', attendance was clear to see throughout the whole afternoon - the hall was buzzing with questions and discussions. Pupils were able to meander from table to table and speak face to face with 'true-experts' in a field that they were interested in. The impact this will have on their lives longer term remains to be seen but in Bradley's case, the more immediate effect has been evident in his attitudes towards his writing and questionning. He now realises that even at such a young age, he really does have the potential to make great things'.

Dr Collins expressed his enjoyment of the day and hopes to return next year. 'The memorable aspect of the event was everyone’s, especially Bradley’s enthusiasm. I had a table full of exhibits including a shark jaw which I described in detail. Bradley then stayed with me and was my commentator for the rest of the event.'
Ocean and Earth Science often visits schools and colleges and participates in outreach events hoping to inspire the next generation of marine and earth scientists.
For a snapshot of the impact of the careers day, have a look at the class blog produced by Nick Darch and the children of year six.