Ocean and Earth Science at Southampton once again ranked as world-leading

Ocean and Earth Science at Southampton has reaffirmed its position as a world-leader in research excellence today following publication of the national Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF2014).
Ocean and Earth Science, based at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton, performed very well in the Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Unit of Assessment.
Our research was judged world-leading in REF2014:
- Ranked 2 in the UK in research intensity ranking
- Ranked 2 in the UK, for proportion of research recognised as world-leading (4*)
- Overall the submission was ranked 4th out of 45 in terms of grade point average (GPA)
- Overall the submission was ranked 4th out of 45 in terms and power (GPA multiplied by number of staff submitted)
- Ocean and Earth Science’s submission had the greatest proportion (41%) of world-leading (4*) research for large submissions (> 50 staff)
- 93 % of the overall submission was judged as world-leading or internationally excellent
Our Impact case studies covered a wide range of areas in ocean and Earth science demonstrating that our researchers are at the cutting-edge of knowledge, working on solutions to some of today's toughest challenges.

Transforming research into answers to real world problems produces business opportunities, enhances quality of life, creates jobs, boosts the economy and helps make our world safer and more rewarding. Our REF success demonstrates that our research has a significant impact on society, industry, Government, and public service.
Ocean and Earth Science has a reputation for research-led teaching and runs undergraduate degree programmes in geology, g eophysical sciences , oceanography and m arine biology.
For the University of Southampton as a whole the results of the REF show that 84% per cent of Southampton’s research activity is considered of internationally excellent or world-leading quality, placing the University once again amidst the top 20 leading research institutions in the country.
For further information on the University of Southampton’s REF results, please visit REF 2014 website. To find out more about our #REF2014 research, watch the video below .
Research-led teaching
Notes for editors
The submission included outputs from some researchers from the National Oceanography Centre who have particularly close links with the University. The Southampton submission was highly graded in all REF categories: outputs, impact and environment.