Prestigious research award for Ocean and Earth Science Southampton Professor
The Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science, has awarded Professor Alberto Naveira Garabato from Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton the Wolfson Research Merit Awards alongside Professor Philip Bartlett, Head of Electrochemistry, for their outstanding research work.
The Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science, has awarded two University of Southampton professors Wolfson Research Merit Awards for their outstanding research work.
Jointly funded by the Wolfson Foundation and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award recognises talented scientists of outstanding achievement and potential.
Professor Philip Bartlett, Head of Electrochemistry, received his award for his research into ‘Fundamentals and applications of nanoscale electrodeposition'. Professor Bartlett's research investigates new ways to deposit materials on the very smallest scales in order to make the next generation of microelectronic devices, data storage and biomedical sensors.
Professor Bartlett says: "I am delighted and honoured that my work and that of my collaborators has been recognised by this award."
Professor Alberto Naveira Garabato , a Chair in Physical Oceanography, was recognised for his work in ‘The role of mixing processes in ocean circulation and climate'. His research focuses on understanding how oceanic turbulent motions, varying in length from centimetres to tens of kilometres and in time scales of seconds to weeks, shape large-scale ocean circulation. He is also an expert in the ocean circulation and climate of the polar regions.
Professor Naveira Garabato says: "I am very grateful to the Royal Society and the Wolfson Foundation for considering me for this award. I feel privileged to have worked with many gifted graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in recent years. The Award is a wonderful recognition of their talent and effort."
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Physical Oceanography Research Group
In our research, we seek to understand, quantify and predict the physical character of the ocean, and the dynamic processes that control its circulation and mixing.