New Head of Ocean and Earth Science

Professor Steve Roberts has been appointed Head of Ocean and Earth Science. Steve will lead a community of over 150 academics, research fellows and technical staff who are carrying out cutting edge research across the world in the fields of oceanography, marine biology, geology and geophysics.
‘I am honoured and delighted to be appointed as the Head of Ocean and Science (OES). I would like to thank all the staff for the warm reception I have received following the announcement of my appointment. I hope I can help build on our strong international reputation to achieve even greater success in the future and at the same time ensure that workloads are manageable and OES is an enjoyable place to work.’
Steve has been with the University of Southampton for many years and his accolades have included a University of Southampton Vice Chancellor's Teaching Award, Council Member of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) and most recently Convenor - African Metallogeny II - Kitwe-Zambia-June 2013 to name but a few. Steve is a professor of geology and his primary research interest is seeking to understand the processes that result in the development of ore deposits, particularly copper, zinc and gold. Recent research activity has focussed on the origin of the world class copper-cobalt deposits of the Zambia Copperbelt and the formation and evolution of hydrothermal vent sites on the Ocean Floor, in particular within the Mid-Cayman Trough in the Caribbean.
To take on the role of Head of Ocean and Earth Science, Steve will leave his post as Head of the Graduate School, one of the significant successes of the collaboration with the National Oceanography Centre, hosting over 200 PhD students. Ocean and Earth Science is well known for its degree programmes and over 700 undergraduates and more than 40 postgraduate taught students enjoy being taught here at our waterfront campus.
Professor Rachel Mills, Dean of Faculty of Natural and Environmental Science congratulated Steve on his appointment ‘I am delighted that Steve Roberts has agreed to take on the role of Head of Ocean and Earth Science. Steve has a great range of attributes and a clear vision to lead Ocean and Earth Science to deliver significant change over the next 3 years. I look forward to working with Steve on the Faculty Executive.’