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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Celebrating success - Summer Graduation 2016

Published: 21 July 2016
Graduation 2016
Graduation 2016

Graduating students from Ocean and Earth Science celebrated this week at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) after their formal ceremonies at the Highfield campus, University of Southampton.

Summer graduation saw our talented Oceanography, Marine Biology, Geology and Geophysics students receive their degrees at a ceremony at the main University Campus. Friends and family watched with pride as the new graduates were congratulated by the academics who had taught them throughout their degrees, at the world-reknowned Waterfront Campus, NOCS.

At a reception down at NOCS following the main ceremony at Highfield, everyone enjoyed an afternoon of celebrations and Professor Steve Roberts, new Head of Ocean and Earth Science, presented prizes to some of our high achieving students. These awards recognised their achievements in project work, research and winning high marks in their exams and assessments.

Prize Winners 2016

Name Prize
Awarded for
Michael Sims The Micropalaeontological Society Prize Best overall score
Nicholas Bradfield AASP Palynology Society UG Student Award Best coursework
Charlotte Hall Geology Year 3 Prize Best graduating student in Year 3 BSc degree in Geology
Ben Callow
Geology Year 4 Prize
Best graduating student in Year 4 MSci Geology
William Stokes
Oceanography Year 3 Prize
Best graduating student in Year 3 BSc degree in Oceanography
Emma Whettall
Oceanography Year 4 Prize
Best graduating student in Year 4 MSci degree in Oceanography
Chris Routledge
Marine Biology Year 3 Prize
Best graduating student in Year 3 BSc degree in Marine Biology with Oceanography
Luke Storrie
Marine Biology Year 4 Prize
Best graduating student in Year 4 MSci Marine Biology
Matthew Hollinrake
Geophysical Sciences Year 3 Prize
Best graduating student in Year 3 BSc degree in Geophysical Sciences
Eric Joyce
British Geophysical Association Prize
British Geophysical Association Prize for best Graduating Year 4 MSci degree in Geophysics
Thomas Whiffin
Hodson-Najoan Prize
Best Independent Mapping Project Mark
Cheuk Lau
Tyler Prize in Year 4
Tyler Prize for best final year MSci Marine Biology project

Prize Winners 2016
Prize Winners 2016
Prize Winners 2016
Prize Winners 2016
Graduation 2016
Celebrating years of hard work
Graduation 2016
Celebration ceremony at NOCS
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