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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Sunshine greets School of Ocean and Earth Science’s successful graduates

Published: 8 August 2019
Sir Anthony Laughton greets student

Family and friends from all over the world packed summer Graduation ceremonies at the University of Southampton to honour the achievements of the class of 2019 in Ocean and Earth Sciences.

They cheered and applauded as the graduates and postgraduates went on stage at the Nuffield Theatre or Turner Sims Concert Hall before the academics who had taught them. All received certificates or prizes to recognise years of hard work in the lecture theatre and laboratories and on field trips and research cruises.

A special guest this year was a pioneer of ocean science, Sir Anthony Laughton , who received a standing ovation when he received his Honorary Doctorate of Science. Now 92, Sir Anthony established the research disciplines of oceanography and marine geology and took part in scientific drilling of the deep ocean. He was Director and Chief Scientific Officer of the Institute of Ocean Science, which eventually became the National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) home to our waterfront campus.

BSc Oceanography graduate Ellie Wyatt says: “I live by the coast in Kent and have always been passionate about the sea and what goes on there. When I did my research into universities, I found the National Oceanography Centre waterfront campus and thought you can’t get better than that.

“Learning by the sea with friends who share the same interests is brilliant, our lecturers have been really great and they inspire you to do your best.”

Dean of Environmental and Life Sciences, Professor Rachel Mills says: “Graduation is one of my favourite events at the University of Southampton. We get to celebrate all the hard work and achievements of our newest graduates with their families and friends and to wish them every success throughout their lives.”

Professor Damon Teagle, Professor of Geochemistry and Director of the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute nominated Sir Anthony for the honour, praising his ingenuity and pioneering spirit.

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