Geology students to benefit from a £1.6 million software package
Researchers and students at the University of Southampton can use a professional software package to understand, analyse and manipulate complex data related to geological processes.
The Move structural modelling and analysis toolkit is particularly valuable for undergraduate, Masters and PhD students and for early career researchers.
“We are grateful to Petroleum Experts Limited for providing the University of Southampton with 10 licences for this software package, valued at £1,602,000,” says Lisa McNeill, Professor of Tectonics in the School of Ocean and Earth Science.
“This is a valuable tool that can allow us to analyse the geological history of a region and to integrate and interpret a wide range of data types, including building cross-sections of tectonic systems and carrying out analyses of past stress conditions.”
Duncan Stevens will be using the software for his PhD research at the University of Southampton. He says: “I am using Move to carry out seismic data interpretation, structural restoration and strain analysis, as part of a study of the margin of New Zealand. Move will help me learn the history of geological deformation here and contribute to understanding of earthquake hazards here.”