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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

The Business of Saving Lives at Sea Event

18:00 - 20:00
3 June 2013
Hartley Suite, Staff Social Centre, Highfield Campus University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Sue Smith on 02380592316 or email .

Event details

As a lifesaving organisation, in 2012 the RNLI launched 8346 times rescuing 7954 people. To do this, 5500 volunteers operated over 435 lifeboats from 236 stations and lifeguards manned 186 beaches around the coast of the UK and Ireland.

The RNLI Engineering and Supply function, designs, supplies and supports lifeboats and related lifesaving equipment. It operates a fleet of relief lifeboats and launch and recovery vehicles, transports equipment around the country, runs a warehouse and manages a mobile workforce to carry out maintenance activities.

The on-going business challenge is to provide equipment and systems to support the volunteer crews in bringing themselves, and the rescued people, safely home. This means managing leading edge technological solutions in a complex business environment where RNLI have complete responsibility for design, approval, manufacturing, support and maintenance, along with training and support to volunteers and fundraisers. The RNLI needs to do this effectively and efficiently to ensure that donors are happy their money is going where it was intended.

Drinks and Buffet will be available 18:00 and the seminar will commence at 18:30.


Please rsvp to Sue Smith ( )

Speaker information

Andrew Tate,The Royal National Lifeboat Institution,Head Maintenance

Jodie Walshe,The Royal National Lifeboat Institution,Decision Support manager

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