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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Invite: Environmental Futures Facility Networking Event Event

09:30 - 13:00
24 April 2015
Nightingale building (Bldg. 67/2017 T Room 5 and 67/2019 T Room 6) Refreshments and lunch will be provided

For more information regarding this event, please email Dr Jasmin Godbold at .

Event details

We have been developing the outline for a new and unique multi-user Environmental Control Facility to support the natural and environmental sciences, engineering, medicine, social, human and mathematical sciences at the University of Southampton.

We are now moving to the next phase of the development process and would like to invite you to a Cross-University networking and development morning . The objective is to initiate the multi-disciplinary exchange of ideas between working groups in order to refine the scientific areas and define the main axes of development for the Environmental Futures Facility.

Please confirm your attendance: RSVP to Dr Jasmin Godbold (

The structure of the day will be:

9.30 - 10h : Icebreaker & coffee

10 – 10.15h : Overview

10.15 – 11.05h : 4 science talks by invited speakers (10 mins each)

11.05 – 11.30h : Coffee

11.30 – 11.45h : Brainstorming session I – The physical reality of the facility (break-out groups)

11.45 – 12h : Feedback from BS I

12 - 12.30h : Brainstorming session II – Science case and big challenges (break-out groups)

12.30 – 12.50h : Feedback from BS II

12.50 – 13h : Where do we go from here?

13 – 13.30h : Finish and lunch

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