Ocean and Earth Day 2015 Event

- Time:
- 10:30 - 16:00
- Date:
- 25 April 2015
- Venue:
- National Oceanography Centre Southampton
For more information regarding this event, please email OEDevent@noc.ac.uk .
Event details
Each year the National Oceanography Centre and the University of Southampton welcome the general public through our doors by hosting Ocean & Earth Day, an interactive and exciting family show, highlighting the fascinating research that we’re involved in from the coast to the deep ocean.

We invite you to get hands-on and find out what exciting discoveries the UK’s world-class scientists are making in ocean and Earth science.
The Ocean covers almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface, and yet so much about it is unknown. In fact, so little of the deep ocean floor has been explored in detail that we know more about the surface of the Moon! Scientists and engineers based at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton are working to better understand these fascinating and remote environments from the coast to our deepest oceans.
Ocean & Earth Day is a fantastic opportunity to discover how research is carried out and see some of the amazing work undertaken. There will be lots to see and get involved in for all ages, and should you need a break, the centre’s waterfront cafeteria will be available giving a unique view over the busy port from our observation windows.

2014 / 2015 has been an incredible year for Earth and Ocean Science and we are pleased to be able to bring new and exciting exhibits for this year’s event, as well as the firm favourites from previous years. Our work on the development of ocean going robots has received lots of media coverage this year and we’re pleased to be able to have some of the vehicles on display, you can also have a go at driving a mini Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), see how we are using 3D printing and laser cutting to create and develop parts for these specialist vehicles. There will also be Fossil plaster cast making , panning for gold and marine animals from our research aquarium that you’ll be surprised to find come from UK waters. There will also be a marine fossil talk, where you can ask questions about the giant marine reptiles that swam close to the shores of the South Coast millions of years ago.
The National Oceanography Centre's research ships the RRS Discovery and RRS James Cook are working nonstop throughout the Ocean and sadly will not be with us this year, however they’ve taken time in their busy schedule to create an amazing film about life on a research ship, which will receive its premier at this year’s event. Research Vessel Callista , the University's smaller boat, will also be out in the Solent conducting scientific research; however the support team and crew provided some amazing film footage and information to show you in our small boat zone. One not to be missed!
This is just a taste of what will be in store at Ocean & Earth Day 2015. Keep an eye out on the official page to find out more!