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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Inaugural Lecture Event

25 May 2017
Henry Charnock Lecture Theatre NOCS Waterfront Campus European Way Southampton SO14 3ZH

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Event details

You are cordially invited to the Inaugural Lecture of Professor C. Mark Moore, Professor of Biological Oceanography.

'Shedding Light on Oceanic Nutrient Limitation'

Chaired by: Professor Patrick Holligan


Oceanic photosynthetic microbes, collectively termed phytoplankton, are responsible for almost half the primary production on Earth. These organisms thus play a major role in fuelling the marine food web and driving the cycling of carbon and nutrients at global scales. Moreover, throughout much of the ocean, the availability of nutrients including nitrogen and iron plays a fundamental role in controlling ocean productivity. Understanding the role of such nutrient limitation on oceanic photosynthesis and the carbon cycle has been a major theme of my work.

Within the talk a flavour will be provided of some of the cutting edge science in this field, emphasising how tackling the major research challenges involves an appreciation of interacting biological, chemical and physical processes and hence a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach. Professor Moore will describe how our understanding of oceanic nutrient limitation has developed through combining approaches including shipboard observations and experiments; molecular biological and biophysical techniques; and numerical modelling. Through the talk Professor Moore will highlight his personal motivations and experiences of working with colleagues and students from different scientific backgrounds and across a range of challenging environments.


Refreshments will be served from 5.00pm. There will be drinks and a light buffet at 6.30pm following the Lecture.

Please register your attendance:

If you require parking or would like more information please contact the Deanery Office, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences

To find out more about Professor Mark Moore please visit his online profile here .

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