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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Special Research Seminar Event

14 December 2017
Henry Charnock Lecture Theatre, NOCS

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Event details

Please join us for a special research seminar:

Title: The ocean surface boundary layer: Learning by OSMOSIS

Speaker : Professor Stephen Belcher
Chief Scientist, Met Office

Date : 14 December 2017 at 12:00

Venue : Henry Charnock Lecture Theatre, National Oceanography Centre Southampton


The ocean surface boundary layer (OSBL) occupies the upper 100m or so of the oceans and is responsible for controlling the transport of heat and momentum from the atmosphere into the deeper ocean, and plays a major role in regulating plankton communities. Recent observations and simulations are revolutionising our picture of the OSBL, and reveal that the surface waves on the ocean surface fundamentally change the physics of the OSBL. In this lecture I shall present new observations, theory and modelling and new ideas for representing the OSBL in models, which has the potential to correct long standing biases in the climate models.

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