Ocean and Earth Science Southampton Careers Day Event

- Time:
- 10:00 - 14:00
- Date:
- 20 February 2020
- Venue:
- Seminar Room and Exhibition Areas; NOCS
For more information regarding this event, please telephone 023 8059 6466 or email oescareers@southampton.ac.uk .
Event details
Our Careers Day is an annual event run by Ocean and Earth Science in collaboration with the University of Southampton Careers Service. The aim of the day is to engage our geology, geophysics, oceanography and marine biology students along with students from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences with key organisations relevant to their field of study, giving them opportunity to network and discuss potential career pathways. The event will be held at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton, on Thursday 20th February 2020 and will begin at 10am and conclude at 2pm.
Event Schedule
Time | Events |
10:00 | Exhibition Opens in the Seminar Room and Exhibition Areas |
10:00 - 14:00 | UoS Careers and Employability CV Checking Service: Stand 28 |
10:30 - 11:00 | Industry Talk by Nick Gibson: Lecture Theatre |
11:15 - 12:45 | Careers Panel Talk: Lecture Theatre |
12:00 - 15:00 | LinkedIn Labs by SUSU: Ray Beverton Room, 044/11 |
14:00 | Exhibition Closes |
14:30 - 15:30 | UoS Careers and Employability: CV & covering letter workshop in Lab G1 166/21 |
Useful Downloads
Printable 2020 Careers Day brochure (A5)
Careers Talk Panellists
Nick Gibson,
Consultant in Oil and Gas
Anneke Lubben,
Head of Material & Chemical Characterisation (MC
), University of Bath
Francesca Trotman,
Founder & Managing Director, Love the Oceans
Francis Williams,
Director, Ground and Water
James Oliver,
Aquarist in Sealife Centre and Consultant for the Marine Dynamics Academy
Confirmed List of Exhibitors 2020
A-2-Sea Solutions Ltd
Atlas Professionals
Bibby HydroMap
Blue Ventures
BODC (British Oceanographic Data Centre)
EGS (International) Ltd
Geological Society: Solent Regional Group
Ground and Water Ltd
IHS Markit
ION Geophysical
Love The Oceans
Marine Dynamics Academy
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Omnia Environmental Consulting
Operation Wallacea
Ordnance Survey
Seastar Survey Ltd
Southampton Education School
Teach First
UoS Work Experience Team
Industry Talk
“Still learning as I explore the Earth: a career in exploration geoscience” by Nick Gibson
This should appeal to any geologist or geophysicist aspiring to a career in any aspect of earth survey and exploration. Nick will showcase his rich and varied experience in working for hydrocarbon and civil engineering companies in a career that involved extensive travel and fieldwork. He will demonstrate how continued cross discipline learning and personal development can be a key feature of a career in exploration geoscience.