European Sea Bass: how do we restore UK stocks and why bother? Seminar
For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone National Oceanography Centre Southampton on +44 (0)23 8059 6666 .
Event details
The next in our series of Marine Life Talks will be delivered by Nigel Horsman.
Nigel Horsman of the Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society, discusses the state of the UK's bass stocks, the economics of commercial and recreational use of bass, and the simple measures that can be taken locally and nationally to improve bass stocks and simultaneously improve the profitability and sustainability of commercial bass fishing and generate significant economic growth for the UK from improved recreational angling for bass.
Nigel uses his business experience together with the perspective of a conservation minded angler to explore how we might better manage our bass resource (and other inshore fish) for long term ecological and economic gain.
Nigel Horsman is a businessman who, after 20 years in food manufacturing, sold his last business and turned his attention to doing more fishing. Nigel moved, with his family, to Dorset in 2004 with the hope of finding time to pursue a childhood dream of fishing for bass from Dorset's wonderful coastline.
Once that ambition was fulfilled, Nigel was incredibly disappointed by the lack of reasonable sized fish and set out to find out what was happening. It soon became clear that bass were a high value fish for commercial fishermen to catch, that there was no protection for them from a catch quota, that technical protection measures were inadequate and that government were not actively managing this important resource.
Further information
This talk is open to members of the public, staff and students. Admission is free.
Visitors attending the talk should arrive at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton at 7.15pm to be met in Reception
The National Oceanography Centre Southampton can be reached via Dock Gate 4 (between Town Quay and Ocean Village).
The talks are accessible via stairs or a lift. Since the lift cannot be used in an emergency, evacuation of less able visitors is down the stairs via an evacuation chair. You are therefore required to notify us in advance of the presence of a wheelchair user or anyone with access issues likely to require use of an evacuation chair.
Links to external websites
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