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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Multidisciplinary Research Week -Sustainable Consumption: Oxymoron or Opportunity? Seminar

Biological Sciences
6 February 2012
Building 52 (Turner Sims)

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Multidisciplinary Research Team at .

Event details

This is the opening lecture for Multidisciplinary Research Week 2012, and will be introduced by Professor Guy Poppy, Director of Multidisciplinary Research Strategy. Multidisciplinary Research Week at the University of Southampton will be happening from Monday February 6 to Friday February 10, 2012.

Dr Peter White is based at Procter & Gamble in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. He helped to found P&G's Sustainable Development organisation, and created and led their Sustainability Leadership Council - the global, business-wide group responsible for developing and delivering their Sustainability Strategy and Goals. Dr White is actively involved in the work of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and is a visiting Professor at the Institute for Research on Sustainability at Newcastle University, UK. A biologist by training, Dr White has worked at P&G for 20 years in the areas of Environmental Management, Lifecycle Assessment and Integrated Solid Waste Management. He has written and spoken widely on sustainability issues.

Dr Peter White

Speaker information

Dr Peter White , Director of Global Sustainability. Procter & Gamble

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