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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Cells Dancing to Maxwell's Equations Seminar

16:00 - 18:00
7 March 2012
Building 6 (Nuffield Theatre) Room 1081

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Janette Thompson on 023 8059 7280 or email .

Event details

IfLS Seminar Series: Professor Ron Pethig, University of Edinburgh

Engineers can use the electric polarisation theories and dimensional analysis techniques introduced by Maxwell to make cells 'dance' under the command of electrical signals in lab-on-chip devices. This lecture will map the journey from Maxwell's demonstration of the world's first colour photograph, to the development at Edinburgh of the world's smallest TV screen, and show its potential to switch on and program networks of neurons. These technologies offer new methods for diagnosing disease for drug discovery and repairing tissue damage.  Many cells, but only one equation (an object of beauty) will be shown.

The lecture will commence at 16:00, teas and coffees will be available at the end of the lecture, from 17:00.

Speaker information

Professor Ron Pethig ,University of Edinburgh, is Professor of Bio-electronics in the School of Engineering and Electronics at the University of Edinburgh. His research objectives are directed towards developing generic tools, based on dielectrophoresis and related electrokinetic effects, for applications in drug discovery, toxicology and cell therapy.

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