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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Marine Life Talk: Climate Change Science Seminar

2 August 2012
National Oceanography Centre Southampton

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone National Oceanography Centre Southampton on +44 (0)23 8059 6666 .

Event details

Unfortunately, it's often difficult to differentiate the wheat from the chaff with regards climate change science. Too often, opinion is muddled with fact. Too often, climate change is viewed from within a political, or religious frame: a dogma that one may choose to identify oneself with, rather than an empirical fact.What's more, even among those who are comfortable that man-made climate change is a reality, there is a worrying lack of understanding about the fundamentals of climate change: how it happens, how we know it is happening, etc.

This talk will attempt to cut through a lot of the nonsense that surrounds the science of climate change and get down to the basics- how does climate change happen, has it happened before, and what has been happening since we've started burning fossil fuels - with the aim of giving people a grounding in climate science so that they can critically appraise the issue themselves. It will also try to address some of the common misconceptions about climate change and climate science.

Please Note:  This is a change to the talk schedule due to unforeseen circumstances, this talk will take place in the room next to the Charnock lecture room and his talk will not be available online. Dr Claudia Alt's, 'Weird and wonderful life at the Mid-Atlantic ridge' will now take place next month.

Further information

This talk is open to members of the public, staff and students. Admission is free.

Visitors attending the talk should arrive at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton at 7.15pm to be met in Reception

The National Oceanography Centre Southampton can be reached via Dock Gate 4 (between Town Quay and Ocean Village).

The talks are accessible via stairs or a lift. Since the lift cannot be used in an emergency, evacuation of less able visitors is down the stairs via an evacuation chair. You are therefore required to notify us in advance of the presence of a wheelchair user or anyone with access issues likely to require use of an evacuation chair.

Speaker information

Michael Henehan ,successfully completed his MSCi in Palaeontology and Evolution at the University of Bristol in 2009. He has been working on his PhD at the National Oceanography since then. His general research interests are Geochemistry and Palaeoclimate. In his PhD he is looking into methods of improving weather proxies for palaeoclimate. Among his achievements are the BBSRC-funded Summer studentship and the Nuttfield Studentship.

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