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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Two talks on Bardex and Bardex II Seminar

2 July 2013
NOCS conference room, 344/32 These seminars are intended for both students and staff, and recent graduates.

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Hachem Kassem on X26205 or email .

Event details

Coastal Seminar Series: These seminars illustrate the breadth of coastal studies at the University of Southampton. Traditionally, this seminar series is held at Highfield, hosted by the faculty of Engineering and the Environment. This term only, the seminars will be held at NOCS, and will aim to showcase areas of research within the coastal research theme at Ocean and Earth Science.

Dr Charlie Thompson, Teaching and Research Fellow, OES

The Barrier Dynamics Experiments (BARDEX)

This talk will present an overview of the aims and some key findings of the Barrier Dynamics Experiments, a set of prototype scale flume experiments investigating the dynamics and sediment transport processes of gravel and sandy barrier beaches.

Hachem Kassem, PhD Candidate OES/EE/SMMI

BARDEX II: Nearshore sediment resuspension and bed morphology

This talk will present preliminary results from the 5th workpackage of the BARDEX II experiment on a prototype-scale Sandy Barrier Beach. The implications of intermittent turbulent bursting phenomena on nearshore sediment resuspension under shoaling waves are examined; including statistical, quadrant, and spectral analysis of bed generated turbulence, and vortex shedding from bedforms.

Speaker information

Dr Charlie Thompson ,Teaching and Research Fellow, OES

Hachem Kassem ,PhD Candidate, OES/EE/SMMI

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