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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton


Potential employers see geologists as well qualified scientists who possess both numeracy and literacy skills as well as the ability to work as a team; skills developed through participation in both group and independent fieldwork.

Our postgradute geology courses are designed to to equip graduates with a broad range of geological skills and a wide knowledge of current research in the geological sciences as well as a wealth of other transferable skills.

Previous Southampton postgraduates have achieved considerable success in obtaining employment in a diverse range of geological jobs. Many opportunities are available for those with enthusiasm, motivation and a willingness to travel.

The major oil companies normally favour applicants with a higher degree (PhD or MSc) so postgraduate study leaves graduates well placed to aim for these positions. However, in addition to destinations in mineral exploration, mining, petroleum geology and environmental consultancy, graduates have taken up positions in commerce, management, the public services and education.

Photo of Gareth Jenkins
I am confident that was it not for my time at Southampton, I would not have had the knowledge and enthusiasm that had enabled me to pursue a career in geology.
Gareth Jenkins , BSc Geology
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