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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Marine Biology

A postgraduate degree from the University of Southampton in marine biology will provide you with skills that will prepare you for a variety of exciting and diverse careers.

Potential career opportunities for postgraduates of marine biology, or oceanography include employment within government or agencies - working in science administration and policy implementation at the Chief Scientists Group or within the Marine Fisheries Agency, to name just two.

The Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) is a major employer of marine scientists in the UK and funds much of the work undertaken at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton.

Nature conservation bodies, such as English Nature, Scottish Heritage and the Marine Conservation Society employ a wide variety of marine scientists. Other opportunities include working in nature conservation or commercial consultancy – there are a wide variety of commercial consultancy organisations that offer opportunities to work in a range of areas providing data and advice to companies operating in coastal and oceanic environments.

Many publishers whose publications cover natural science subjects employ postgraduates as commissioning editors and in a variety of other jobs that need specialist knowledge. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund also employ trained marine scientists in a variety of roles.

Photo of Alex Mustard
I wouldn’t be the photographer I am today without my time at Southampton.
Alex Mustard , BSc Oceanography with Marine Biology
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