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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton Postgraduate study

Leigh Marsh Masters degree Oceanography, 2013

Postdoctoral Researcher Deep-sea Ecologist, Deep-sea chemosynthetic environments in the Antarctic

Leigh Marsh's Photo

Since graduating with a four-year integrated masters degree in Oceanography in 2005, I have been employed within the marine environmental sector for both government agencies and commercial companies, all of which I am sure would not have been within my reach without a degree from the University of Southampton.

After graduating, I was employed for four years within the marine environmental sector for both government agencies and commercial companies, all of which I am sure would not have been within my reach without a degree from the University of Southampton.

Having worked for four years in industry, both onshore and offshore, I had always hoped that at some point in my career I would return to the National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) to pursue a PhD. My independent research projects from my undergraduate degree were both based on deep-sea ecology and this aspect of marine science captivated me. The NOCS, along with its research and technical staff, are among the best to work with so when the opportunity arose in 2009 to return and study these unique deep-sea chemosynthetic environments, I did not think twice about accepting the offer.

I am now a deep-sea ecologist post doctoral reasearcher at the National Oceanography Centre.

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